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"Give your students the edge with Financial Literacy Through Our Financial Literacy Program"
Our Children MUST Learn....
Financial Literacy
Knowing how to MAKE Money, SAVE Money, Spend MONEY, GROW Money and PROTECT MONEY
FLip That Stock is a leading education and technology company.
We are a leading education and technology company
that specializes in teaching beginners how to trade and invest in stocks and financial literacy
Since 2013, FLip That Stock has educated over 30,000 people on how the stock market works.
Our proven teaching system is FUN, UNIQUE and NON-COMPLICATED.
Our teaching system has been so successful, we were asked to create an educational program for students from middle school thru college
Our Financial Literacy Program will Produce Measurable Outcomes for your students!
Our FUN Online Instructor Guided Program will teach your students Step-By-Step...
MODULE 1: How to Develop The Right Mindset with Money
MODULE 2: How To Design The Life They Want
MODULE 3: How To Make Money
MODULE 4: How To Save Money
MODULE 5: How To Grow Thier Money
MODULE 6: How To Use Credit
MODULE 7: How To Use Insurance
MODULE 8: How To Create A Budget
MODULE 9: How To Track Thier Money
MODULE 10: Special Project
Final Exam
Certificate of Completion
Our EASY 6 Step Enrollment Process For Your School
Fill in form below and let us know you want to enroll in the program
We will schedule a zoom call to discuss licensing and answer questions
We will email a licensing agreement to sign
Send Us A Spereadsheet with Names and Emails of those who will get access to the program
Watch our recorded Training Session on how to roll program out
Begin Teaching Your Students
Yes! I would like to enroll my school/students in the Financial Literacy Program
Program You are Interested In
Stock Market Students
Stock Market BossMan
Savvy Sistas of Stock
Financial Literacy
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