How is Your NEW Year Going So Far?

Uncategorized Feb 02, 2023

Millions of people set goals for the New Year and by end of January they have quit.

How about you? Are you staying committed to your New Year's goals and aspirations??

They say the definition of "commitment" is continuing to do the activity long after the thrill is gone.

Things like continuing to work out 4 times a week when you don't feel like it or continuing to read 1 chapter of a book when you are dead tired or continuing to attend that class rather than drop it and take it next semester or continuing to make 5 sales calls a day when everyone tells you "no".

I have found that the people who always seem to get what they want are just more "committed" to getting than others.

So if you stopped or quit, no problem, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again! 

Stay Committed and watch what happens by the end of the year!






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